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Dragon's Blood Sage is used for protection and creating a meditative atmosphere. When cleansing a space off negative energy, blending sage and dragon's blood will be more powerful.

Dragons blood sage uses the energy of the fire element to burn away anything that needs to be released from your life, to allow the space for the new to enter.


How to smudge: Light the whole bundle or break it apart and use the individual sticks. Use a fireproof dish to catch any sparks. Gently push the sage into a fireproof dish until the embers are gone.


Sage is not to only cleanse negative energy it cleanses good energy as well so it is important for you to stand firm in your intentions and fill the space with good energy. Sage is not to be used daily or weekly it is something that should only be used when you truly need to rid yourself or the space of all energy and set new energy in place.

Dragon's Bood & White Sage Smudge Sticks

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