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Chakra Kit  include natural amethyst, natural lapis lazuli, natural rose quartz, natural red jasper, natural red agate, natural green aventurine, natural yellow aventurine.


Feeling restless, irritable, or disconnected? Chances are, one of your Chakras is blocked or out of alignment. You can easily use Chakra stones to bring back balance and restore harmony.



Red Jasper stimulates the root chakra for a more passionate life. The orange-hued Yellow Aventurine works with the spiritual realm to enhance your creativity. Red Agate invigorates the solar plexus chakra for extra will-power and motivation in life. 

Green Aventurine works with the heart chakra to ease pain and destress your vibe. Next, blue-hued Lapis Lazuli activates the throat chakra for better communication and expression of one’s self. Gorgeous purple Amethyst is connected to the higher realms and brings peace and intuition to your chakra work. Finally, Rose Quartz is an all-healer, representing the crown chakra.



Chakra Kit

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